Key Notes.

[The whole folder is filled to the brim with stapled-together pages, each one with a different heading.]


LCorp was very secretive and erratic, even for a Wing, back in its day. Before it collapsed in the White Nights and Dark Days that left the City in shambles and a quickly rising Star of The City level threat in its wake, RCorp (Paramilitary Service), TCorp (Temporal Manipulation Service), WCorp (Instant Transportation Service), and KCorp (Medical Company) all held major contracts with the Corporation in exchange for Enkephalin, the energy the Wing produced. Of course, you know this part, right? The City's relied on LCorp for ten years and has been in a bit of a bind since the collapse of the Wing. Enkephalin was all the rage, even. LCorp specialized in extracting Enkephalin from deathless creatures of the human psyche called Abnormalities by containing them, working with them, and suppressing them. Apparently, their Singularity wasn't the ability to extract energy, but instead the ability to extract Abnormalities through the human mind. I couldn't piece it together myself, and the representative from [REDACTED] Company didn't seem privy to the answer, either. But really, all Singularities defy the laws of nature. That's why Wings grow so powerful off them.


I was, however, excited to learn something about how these Abnormalities were worked with. Each Abnormality had a code designating their origins and type, although a lot of my work on that is speculatory at best. Employees had measured virtues (Fortitude, Prudence, Temperance, Justice) that corresponded with a type of Work (Instinct, Insight, Attachment, Justice). Seeing logs of these types of works elucidated quite a lot. Notably, there were some Abnormalities with 'special works' that didn't fall into any of the prior categories (Such as Performance, Requests, Commissions, Confession, and Sacrifice.) I shall explain the works and virtues as such:

And here's the really interesting part, at least to me. Because once the Adapertio Branch went through the 'Iron Curtain Incident', they made up two new Work types: Abnormality Fusion, and Abnormality Fission. This was called, in some early documents, "Alchemical Work". I found it really, really interesting. Fusion and Fission was exactly what it said on the tin, it seems: Fusion would put together two or mor Abnormalities to make something almost entirely new, and Fission could separate that newly fused and unstable Abnormality into its constituent parts—Or pull apart a 'base' Abnormality even further into things that are even more unstable and really, hardly Abnormalities at all. Reading about it was... Kind of horrific and morbidly intriguing in equal measure. After all, these are parts of who knows how many people's psyches? When I learned this, I finally understood your request, I think. For better, or for worse, I understood.

Risk Level

Each Abnormality is also assigned a risk level based on how much energy is produced and how dangerous it is to interact with. The risk levels are as follows: